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Aerawine Infusion Aerator
Aerawine Infusion Aerator
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This innovative bottle top aerator works with both wines and spirits, instantly enhancing taste and smoothness by infusing air into the full stream of the fluid as it is poured from the bottle. Different wines and spirits benefit from different amounts of aeration - to increase aeration, simply increase the tilt of the bottle while pouring. Another advantage it has over all other aerators on the market is that the infusion aeration starts in the bottle allowing for more aeration with a lower profile drip-free pour spout.Add to that the perfectly smooth flow rate of the pour into the glass and the easy-to-clean two-piece design, and the result is a truly enhanced taste experience.

Retail Price: $14.99
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Stock Status:In Stock

Product Code: 046535

Description Technical Specs
Aerawine Infusion Aerator